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Social login options

πŸ”΅ Feature included from Pro Plan

Growth Team avatar
Written by Growth Team
Updated over a week ago


In today's fast-paced digital world, user-friendly registration processes are crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

Simplifying user onboarding not only enhances user experience but also boosts engagement and satisfaction. This article explores a streamlined registration process designed to make onboarding effortless for your marketplace, ensuring a seamless experience for your clients.

πŸ”΅ Feature included from Pro Plan

Benefits for Your Business

  1. ​User Convenience: Simplifies the login process, making it faster and easier for customers to access your platform.

  1. Increased Registrations: Offering multiple login options can attract more users by providing them with their preferred method of authentication.

  2. Enhanced Security: Social logins often come with built-in security features that can reduce the risk of fraudulent access.

  3. Improved User Experience: Users can quickly log in without remembering another set of credentials, leading to a smoother experience.


Facebook Login

How it works

Configure your Facebook Developer Account

To configure you need to create an account, in

Once you have an account you need to find the "My Apps" option in the top of the page, click it and then click in the "Create App":

Markup 2021-08-16 at 15.46.56.png

Then you need to select the "Consumer" option and then click to continue.

Screenshot on 2021-08-16 at 15-58-13.png

  • Type the name of your app in the "App Display Name" field.

  • Also verify that the email that shows is correct of your account in the "App Contact Email".

  • In the "Do you have a business Manager Account?" you can select "No Business Manager Account selected" that is up to you.

  • And then just click in the "Create App" button:

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.01.45.png

Then you need to go to "Settings" option in the left panel and click in the "Basic" option. Just fill up the requested information:

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.06.59.png

Please fill up these fields using this information

  • Display Name: This is the name of your Ordering App.

  • Namespace: Type the name of your app just "withoutspacesandcapiltalletters".

  • App Domains: Please type this:

    • localhost

http// Please in the second one use your custom domain like this


Recommendation: type the URL, instead of copy and paste

  • Contact Email: Your email for contact.
    ​Privacy Policy: You need to type the URL of your privacy policy URL, other way this won't be working.

  • Terms of Service URL: You need to type the URL of your Terms of Service, if you don't have, please create one in the Static pages manager from your Ordering Website.

  • User Data Deletion: You need to select one of the two option, Data Deletion Instructions URL (recommended) or Data Deletion Callback URL (if you have it). We strongly recommend to implement a new page with the data deletion instruction and type the URL of it.

  • App Icon: Upload your App Icon.

  • Category: Select the category that suits to your project.

  • App Purpose: Select the one that suits to your project (we recommend clients).

The next information you need to fill up is the "Data Protection Officer Contact Information"


Is not necessary to explain these fields, they are just personal information. Please fill them for your security.

In order to Add Website facebook login,

Click on "+ Add Platform" and select "Website" option. Then just click in the "Next" button.


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Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.27.05.png

In order to Add iOS App

Click on "+Add Platform" and select "iOS" option. Then just click in the "Next" button.

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.28.55.png

Then this information will appear, you just need to fill up the "Bundle ID" option. Please copy and paste the package bundle of your Ordering App, if you don't know it, please have a look into your builder, is on the Settings section, under the name "Package*"

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.38.11.png

Step 1 screenshot

In order to Add Android App

Click on "+ Add Platform" and select "Android" option. Then just click in the "Next" button.

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.40.18.png

Then select Google Play, and click on the "Next" button.

Screenshot on 2021-08-16 at 16-41-27.png

Then just fill up these fields:

  • Package names: Is the same case of the iOS, use the package bundle. Example: com.orderingapp.ordering

  • Class Name: Type this: com.facebook.loginactivity

  • Key Hashes: Please copy and paste these 6 key hashes:



Leave active only the "Log In-App Events Automatically (Recommended)". This should look like this: u have

Screenshot on 2021-08-16 at 16-51-16.png

  • Once you have Saved the changes. You can go to the "Add product" in the left panel. And then click into the Facebook Login option "Set up":

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.54.14.png

  • Then select the "Settings" option in the left panel, please do not click on Quickstart:

Markup 2021-08-16 at 16.56.21.png

It necessary to deactivate and activate few options:

  • Deactivate the "Force Web OAuth Login"

  • Activate the "embedded Browser OAuth Login"

On the "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" section, have to use these texts below:

Note change "Your_Domain" for your custom domain, example:

  • Enable the JavaScript SDK

Finally save the changes.

Get the App on Live Mode:

Attention: To be able to do this step (enable FB Login on Live Mode) first the app should be live on the stores (Play Store - App Store).


Setup FB Login on Developer Mode (uses tests credentials to check that it works) and upload the apps on the stores.

Setup FB Login only on the website to enable the Live Mode and later when the app is live on the stores, finish the app setup and add the FB Login ID on the Ordering App (this means that is necessary to upload a new app version)

To complete the configuration about Facebook login only need to publish your app, please switch from Development move to live mode:

Markup 2021-08-16 at 17.07.20.png

  • A popup message will/may appear, just click on "Use the name of this package" button to continue with the configuration.


  • Finally, go to your OrderingPlus Dashboard.

Write your App ID to finish your settings in the Facebook ID space inside your OrderingPlus Dashboard.

Also, be sure that the Facebook_app_name is the same as the one in the Facebook Developer Account. After this, you need to save.

  • Then in your OrderingPlus Dashboard, go to the Settings area and select the "Social Login Options" and finally click on Facebook Sign-in to complete the configuration to your Facebook login.

Step 1 screenshot


Google Login

Learn how it works and how to configure it.

The first thing we have to do is go to the account that we have in Firebase.

Here in Firebase, you click on Build and then Add Project.


After clicking on add project, this screen will appear, where you must give your Project a name.


PS: Make sure to change the ID/name for your Login, so you can use your brand's name

You click on the button that says: Select parent resource.

This button will select the parent resource where you want that project to be. 
And you click on continue.


In the next step, you must ensure that Google Analytics is Enabled for that project.


After clicking Continue, you will go to the menu (left side of your screen) and click on Project Overview, and the following screen will appear.

On this screen, you click where it says: Add App, and different options will appear; in this case, we will choose the Android option.


We will move on to our Ordering Dashboard since we need to extract some data.

In the Builder, we will select the project (app) that we want to have the Google Login.

And we are going to copy the Name and the Package.

Step 1 screenshot

It will also ask us for the SHA-1; this is obtained with a support agent; please contact [email protected], we'll help you.


When you click "Register App," it will give you a file you must download.

🚨 Very Important: Save this file because if you lose it, you'll have to do all the steps again. 🚨


To the following steps, click Continue.


In the next step, we will click on Authentication in the menu, and the following screen will appear.

Here we will click on "Get Started."


We will select the option "Google."


Here, we will only add the user's email.

If that option ain't showing, enable the "Google" sign-in method.


On this screen in Firebase, you will copy the code that comes in the part of WEB CLIENT ID.


We click the "Save" button, and the app we just uploaded will appear as Enabled.


We move to our Dashboard, and we are going to click on the following:

You'll find these settings in the Pro section:

Step 1 screenshot

Google Login ID

In Google Settings, we will paste the code we copied in Firebase (Web Client ID) in the "Google Login ID" part, enabled Google Login, and save it.

Web Client Secret

Add the Web client secret from your firebase account to the General Google Client ID Services, and do the same for the Secret Services.

Google Login and API KEY

From this window, you will copy API KEY and AUTHDOMAIN; these are data you'll use later on your Ordering Dashboard.


Authentication module

Now let's go back to the Authentication module.

Click on Authentication (menu), Settings, and Authorized Domains.

Next, click on the "Add domain" button, and this part will appear; here, we will add our domain name and click on Add.


Configure iOS

Create a new iOS app in the project dashboard.

Add the package of your app and a name ( the package must be the same as android)


The app store ID is optional.

Register the app and download the GoogleService.Info.plist

Then, to complete the configuration, press Next, Next, Next, and continue to console

​At last, enable Google Login, and that's it! Test it.

Apple Login

Learn how it works and how to configure it.

The first thing we have to do is go to the account we have in

We will go to our Apple account, and the following screen will open, and we will choose the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles option.


When you click on that option, a screen like the following will open.


We are going to select, from the menu on the left, the "Identifiers" option, and we are going to click on the blue icon with the + sign.


We select the option: App IDs and click on Continue.


On this screen, we will put the name of our App in the Description part, for example, "newtestingapporder" and the Bundle ID; an example would be ""


We will select the option: Sign in with Apple and click on the button that says "Edit."


In the popup that will appear when we click on the Edit button, we will leave the option that seems to be selected, "Enable as a primary App ID," and we will leave the following field empty and click on Continue.


You can see the new App you added to the list.


Next, we have to add another identifier, only this time; it will be different; click + again.


But in this case, we will select the Services IDs option and click on Continue.


The following screen will appear; here, you must put a name in the description and an identifier and click on Continue.


When you click on continue, a screen will appear with information about the new Service IDs we have just registered.

You will click the option as it appears in the photograph.


On this screen, click on Register.


Select the Sign in with Apple option.


Click on Configure.


In the pop-up, select our app's name in the dropdown


In the following fields, put the domain name, and in the next one, the domain name + /login/apple/callback and click next.

P.S.: The second link must have "HTTPS://" before the domain, for example, "".


A confirmation with data will appear, and you will only click on save.

Click on All Identifiers.


Click on the blue button with the + icon.


Write the name of the new key.


Choose the Sign in with Apple option and click on Configure.


Select the app that we registered in the dropdown.


And we are going to click on the Download button, and for that file that is downloaded, we will save it because we will need it later.


Go in your Ordering Dashboard inside your Products, and look for the Customer App.

And add this "Apple Merchant ID".
​PS: the ID most be on this format TEAM ID + APP identifier, example

Step 1 screenshot

Remember the file we downloaded a few steps earlier?

This is where you use it, we're going to go to our downloaded files (or where you downloaded the file), and we're going to open it.


When we open the file, we are going to do is delete the first and last lines. It will be something like this.


Later, we will convert those lines of code into just one line to look like this and copy it.

It's just removing spaces between one line and another.


Adding keys

Now, let's put everything in the settings inside your Ordering Dashboard.

Step 1 screenshot

Apple Private Key

The code that we converted into a single line, we are going to paste it where it says: Apple Private Key.

Apple Private ID

We will return to the Apple page, get in Keys, and click on the Key we created.

Let's copy the code from Key ID.

Paste this code in the field: Apple Private ID.

Apple Bundle ID

On the Apple page, we will click on Identifiers, look for the app we created, and click.

We will copy the Bundle ID code on this screen that appeared after clicking on the app.

We will paste that code into our Dashboard's Apple Bundle ID field.

Apple Login ID

Copy the Identifier from our Service ID.

Add it in the Apple Login ID.

Enable Apple Login

Now all you have to do is set "Yes" in Apple Login, and your Customer App will show the Apple Login.

Twilio (Auth codes, SMS, Whatsapp)

How it works

Setting up Twilio for your marketplace involves a series of straightforward steps.

​Setting up Twilio for your marketplace involves a series of straightforward steps. Simply take all the information from your twilio account and paste it in your Ordering Dashboard.

Each of the fields in your Ordering dashboard has to be filled with twilio's dashboard information.

Step 1 screenshot

Twilio Account SID

The Account SID, which acts as a username

​Type again: Twilio Account SID

The Account SID, which acts as a username

​Twilio Auth Token

You can find the Auth Token in the Account Info pane of the Console Dashboard page.

​My Twilio phone number for SMS

You can find the SMS Number in the Account Info pane of the Console Dashboard page or in your purchased phone numbers.

​My Twilio phone number for calls

You can use the same one for phone calls and SMS messages.
​Enable Login with SMS OTP

Allow users to log in using SMS-based one-time passwords.
​Enable Signup with SMS OTP

Allow new users to sign up using SMS-based one-time passwords.
​Enable WhatsApp OTP

Enable sending one-time passwords via WhatsApp for user authentication.
​Twillio Whatsapp Number

This is the whatsapp number that every whatsapp message will get delivered from and every message is sent.

Once all this is configured, the selling tools will ask for a verification code before letting your users login or sign up.​

Other Login Options (OTP Sign up and Login)

Enable this feature.

First, go in your dashboard en enable this feature.

Step 1 screenshot

After that is enabled, you'll see in your front-end products this new way to login or signup.

How it looks/works.

In this option, your clients only have to add an email, accept the terms and conditions, and click on the Get verify code button.

A code will be sent to your email (check your spam folder if it takes time to arrive).
Please enter it in this popup, and that's it; your registration will be finished.


Another option that our platform has is OTP by Phone. It works very similarly to email; the only difference is that instead of adding an email, you add a phone number.You will receive a message with the code.


  • This will bring up the popup to enter the code you received.


  • And that's it, that easy your client will be registered on your platform, and their page will look like this.



Practical Use Cases

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: Offering multiple login options can cater to different user preferences, increasing engagement.

  2. Reduced Drop-off Rates: Simplifying the login process can reduce the number of users who abandon the signup process.

  3. Targeted Marketing: Collecting user data through social logins can help in creating more personalized marketing campaigns.

  4. Security Assurance: Social logins often include two-factor authentication, enhancing the security of user accounts.


Integrating various social login options in your OrderingPlus platform not only enhances user convenience and security but also boosts registration rates and user engagement. By providing multiple ways for users to sign up and log in, you cater to diverse preferences, ultimately leading to a more satisfying user experience and increased loyalty to your brand.

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