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Documentation for Building Apps from the Ordering Dashboard
Documentation for Building Apps from the Ordering Dashboard

Create your Apps directly from your dashboard, build, test, upload, and launch.

Growth Team avatar
Written by Growth Team
Updated over 4 months ago

iOS version

Before you start, ensure you have created your Apple Developer account, because it is mandatory to make the setting to generate the iOS version.

In general terms the same settings explained in this article need to be done in all the apps, there are exceptions for the Customer App, which also will be explained later in the article.

Please follow these steps to start the process:

  1. Create the main identifier, also known as bundle ID or package name.

    1. Go to your Apple Developer account

    2. Next, go to the section called Identifiers

    3. Click on the Plus (+) button to add a new identifier

    4. Select App IDs

    5. Add your app name and bundle

      1. You can find it in the Dashboard, like this

        1. The platform will create it by default, but it can be changed at any time

        2. The bundles must contain only letters

NOTE: Don’t forget to add to the identifiers the next required capabilities for each app

  1. Select the capabilities according to the apps that you are setting up:

    1. Customer App

      1. Access wifi-information

      2. App groups

      3. Apple Pay payment processing

      4. Associated domains

      5. Maps

      6. Push notifications

      7. Sign in with Apple

    2. Driver and Business App:

      1. Access wifi-information

      2. App groups

      3. Associated domains

      4. Maps

      5. Push notifications

  2. Note: If you don’t enable these capabilities in the identifiers, the app will fail

  1. Create the Notification Extension identifier

    1. Follow the same process but now you must add this text at the end of your identifier .OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension

      1. For example: this is the main identifier

      2. For this extension, the identifier will look like this

      3. Remember that you need to add the same capabilities that were enabled in the main identifier

  2. Create the app group, each app must have a different group

    1. Click again Plus (+) button

    2. Now select the option App Groups

    3. You need to add the main identifier, plus this text .onesignal

      1. Apple will add the word group. By default, please do not delete it

      2. Your identifier will look like this

  3. Create the Merchant ID

    1. Note: this step is only for the Customer/Ordering App

    2. Click again Plus (+) button

    3. Now select the option Merchant IDs

    4. You need to add the main identifier

      1. Same as in the previous step, Apple will add this merchant. before your identifier, so please do not delete it, it will look like this

    5. Once the Merchant ID is created, please go to the Dashboard and add it in the section called Apple Merchant ID

  4. Final setup for the identifiers

    1. Now go back to the Idenfitiers section

    2. Open the identifier that you are setting up

    3. Remember that the capabilities were set up for each identifier? Well now we need to add the App Group, and in the case of the Customer/Ordering App only, add the Merchant ID

      1. Open the capability called App Groups, by clicking on the Edit button

        1. Add the group that has the same identifier that you are setting up

        2. Click on the Continue button to save the change

      2. Merchant - Only for the Customer/Ordering App

        1. Open the capability called Apple Pay Payment Processing, add the merchant created for the app, and continue to save the changes

      3. Follow the same steps for the Notification Extension identifier, which was created in the step number 2

  5. Create the API Key

    1. Go to the Apple Store Connect page

    2. Next, go to the Users and Access section

    3. Click on the Plus (+) button

    4. Add the name that you like, add the access as admin, and click on the Generate button, like this

      1. Note: this file can only be accessed or downloaded 1 time

      2. Download the newly created API Key file (.p8), save the file

      3. Copy and save the Key ID and Issuer ID because you will need this later in the Dashboard

    5. Note: this key and IDs can be used for all the apps

  6. Now let’s finish the settings in the Dashboard

    1. Basic App Settings, these sections are mandatory

      1. Name

      2. Package/Identifier

      3. Version

      4. Description

    2. Constants

      1. Apple Merchant ID - you will add the Merchant ID that was created previously in the Apple account

      2. Google Maps API Key - If you have your own Maps API Key, then add it to this field

      3. Facebook ID - this is for the Facebook Login feature, and can be empty in case you don’t have or don’t want to use this feature.

      4. Google Reversed Client ID - this is for the Google Login option, the same as the previous field.

      5. Intercom App ID and Intercome App Key - as the name says is to connect your Intercom chat account, same as the 2 previous settings can be empty in case, you don’t want or don’t have this feature.

    3. Files, this section can be skipped, as those are part of the Logins options

    4. App keys, in this section we’ll use the Key created in the Apple account

      1. Team ID - is a unique identifier, which can be found in the Apple Developer account, like this you can copy and paste it into the Dashboard

      2. Itc team ID - can be skipped

      3. API key ID, is the ID for the previous key created in the step number 5

      4. API Key issuer ID, is the issuer ID that can be obtained after creating the API Key ID, which was created in the step number 5

      5. API key file, in here upload the p8 file that was created in the step number 5

    5. Click on the Save button to save the changes

NOTE: Sometimes, the dashboard will show a build error without showing a “certificate error” or “Provisional profile error” as usual. So if you search this text; “The requested URL returned error: 502” this means that there’s a problem with the servers, so you need to press build again.

Android version

This version is simpler compared to the iOS version, regardless you will find the information required especially the mandatory fields, as the information and keys can be provided by the support team.

Note: Keystore, is a file used in the Android version to upload an app to the Play Store, basically in a code that will be added internally in the app.

The information or section provided in this next section is regarding the Keystore file

  1. Key alias - mandatory field

  2. Key password - mandatory field

  3. Store file - mandatory field - Keystore file in .jks format

  4. Store password - mandatory field (is the same password as the Key password field)

  5. Playstore credential file - optional

As mentioned before all this information can be provided by the support team.

Build apps process

Now that all the necessary steps are ready, the next and final step is to build or generate the files and QR codes for the apps, so they can be test

  1. Scroll to the end of the page, to find this section

  2. This will be divided into 2 sections, Android and iOS

    1. You will find a few options, but in general terms, the TEST mode is to generate the app in a test version so it can be installed locally on your device, and the PRO version is the one used to upload the apps to the stores.

  3. Android

    1. It will have 4 different buttons, the most common will be the Build Test and Build AAB PRO, anyways the explanation will be explained next:

      1. Build PRO, is an older version of the format that needs to be uploaded to the Play Store, this is for specific cases, if you are not sure if this is your case, please contact the support team

      2. Build Test, is the test format to be able to install the apps directly on a device

      3. Build AAB PRO, this is the format required for the Play Store, it means that if the app is going to be uploaded to the store, it must use this version and format.

      4. Build AAB Debug, this is for advanced developers' options, you can skip this at any time.

  4. iOS

    1. You will find only 2 options

      1. Build Test, is the test format to be able to install the apps directly on a device

        1. iOS devices required a special setting to accomplish this

          1. You will need your device’s UDID, can use this video to learn how

          2. Then go to your Apple Developer account, and then enter the section called Devices

          3. Add your UDID
            Enable the Developer mode in the device, following this article

          4. Then go back to the Dashboard, and build the iOS app again

      2. Build PRO, is the format necessary to upload the app to the App Store

  5. Once you click in the TEST or PRO mode, the dashboard will start generating the app file and QR code, this will take a few minutes, and when the process is done, you will see the QR code is available to use.

Required fields to Build Your App

1. Accessing the Dashboard

Log in to the dashboard and click "My Products" in the left sidebar.

2. Add App Basic Settings

Configure the basic settings of your app:

  • Name

  • Package

  • Version

  • Description

3. Add Constants

Provide the following constants:

  • Merchant ID (available from Play Store or Apple Store) ex:

  • Google Maps API Key(Optional but important for maps)

  • Facebook ID(Optional)

  • Google Reverse Client ID (Optional)

  • Intercom App ID(Optional)

  • Intercom App Key(Optional)

These constants are optional for building the app, but it is recommended to configure the Google Maps API Key for proper functionality.

The Facebook ID and Google Reverse Client ID are needed for Facebook login and Google login, respectively.

Intercom credentials are necessary only if you require Intercom integration in your apps.

All optional marked above, can be skipped and added later

4. Add Images for the App

Upload the images that will be displayed in your app:

  • Home Hero

  • Logotype

  • Empty Active Orders Section

  • Search Not Found Result

  • Empty Past Orders Section

  • Tutorial Images (6 images)

  • Store List Banner

  • Order Type Images:

    • Curbside

    • Delivery

    • Drive-thru

    • Eat-in

    • Pickup

    • Catering Delivery

    • Catering Pickup

  • All Categories Result Image

  • Long Logo

  • No Internet Image

  • Dummy Product Image

5. Configure Theme Colors

Add theme colors by entering a color code or selecting a color from the palette.

6. Add Google Services for Android and iOS

Upload the necessary Google services files (.json and .plist) in the "Files" section.

This step is optional or required only if you use Google login.

For instructions on obtaining these files, refer to this guide.

8. Build Resources

Upload images for the Apple and Android stores, such as

  • app icons

  • notification icons for Android

  • splash screens for both stores

9. Build Your App

Depending on your requirements, you can build your app in different modes:

  • Build Test: If you need the .ipa or .apk for testing

  • Build PRO: If you need the app to be signed for distribution

The Android .AAB file is the file you will use to distribute your app.

10. Done!

This guide will help you build and configure your apps from the Ordering dashboard. For any further assistance, please refer to the respective images provided for each step or contact the support team.

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